Get The Results You've Always Wanted
Having a liposuction procedure is extremely beneficial for people everywhere. It is a safe and effective way to permanently remove fat cells while simultaneously improving health, appearance, and self-esteem. The only thing more important than the process itself, is the post operative care.
The plastic surgeon doing the procedure will go over all the risks, tips, and care necessary before and after liposuction but there is a lot that gets missed or forgotten during the process.
Liposuction: The Process and Side Effects
Liposuction is a scary word for those that aren’t familiar with the procedure. Here is the entire liposuction process, step-by-step:
- Anesthesia: First, the medication is administered to safely put you to sleep during the procedure.
- Incision: Small and inconspicuous cuts are made in the skin.
- Cannula: A thin, hollow tube is inserted into the incision to loosen excess fat.
- Surgical Vacuum: The loose fat is suctioned via a surgical vacuum or syringe attached to the cannula.
- Results: Swelling usually starts to go down by the end of the first week.
As with any procedure, there are a few side effects but the risks of severe side effects are small when pre and post-op care is done correctly! Here are a few side effects to be aware of:
Fluid accumulation
- Numbness
- Infection
- Lidocaine toxicity
- Internal puncture
- Kidney problems
- Heart problems
- Fat embolism
The most common side effect by far is contour irregularity. This is when the skin appears bumpy or wavy after the procedure. The best way to reduce the risk of contour irregularities is with consistent massages.
Our lipo roller smooths out the area and helps to speed up and improve the overall healing process. There are other benefits of regular massage as well. More on this below!
Have a Massage Booked!
It is crucial to keep the blood and fluids flowing while in post-surgical care. The lymphatic capillaries of the lymphatic system are damaged during the liposuction procedure. They do regenerate but getting massages allows for the capillaries to regenerate faster so there isn’t fluid build-up in the body’s cells and tissues.
Tell the massage therapist beforehand that you’ve just had liposuction and they will be sure to target your lymphatic drainage system during the massage. It is a massage technique known as lymphatic drainage that triggers fluid flow and reduces the risks of post-op complications.
Speaking of massages, a lipo roller is a great way to give yourself a daily massage at home. Women in liposuction recovery are encouraged to purchase a lipo roller for a number of reasons:
- It speeds up recovery time
- It reduces swelling
- Breaks up scar tissue
Visiting a massage therapist is recommended by plastic surgeons because they are trained and can help improve your results tremendously. However, seeing a massage therapist unfortunately isn’t enough. It is important that women in post op massage the area every day to help produce smooth results that everyone wants after a liposuction procedure! Purchase our lipo roller today!